Intervertebral Disc Prolapse

What are the treatments followed for IVDP at Ukkinadkas Ayurveda?
Marma Treatment
Panchakarma Treatment
Internal Ayurveda medicines
Yoga treatment
Marma treatment: This is a unique treatment followed in Kerala. We practice Marma in Neck pain, back pain, low back pain mainly in spine conditions. In more than 60% of the patients pain will be reduced by 90% within one sitting of MARMA treatment. We usually recommend 3-12 MARMA sittings.
Why Panckarma is recommended for IVDP?
IVDP is a condition with tissue damage. This condition is outcome of Mamsa bhagna. Symptoms are produced due to compression of these damaged tissue over nerve roots and nerve fibers. When Panchakarma procedure is done, it facilitates good blood supply to the damaged area and enhances the healing ability of the tissues, also by removing the toxins encourages fast tissue healing.
Are there any chances of recurrence of IVDP after this treatment?
After Panchakarma treatments we also advise specific Yogasanas and stretching exercises which should be followed for many months to avoid recurrence.
Who can take the above treatment?
All patients suffering from IVDP can take this treatment. But patients with severe spondylolysthesis cannot take these treatments instead we have separate line of treatment which gives tremendous result.
What is the complete course of treatment for Panckakarma treatment as inpatient?
21 days’ is very essential to perform Panchakarma treatment. But in mild cases we can perform this treatment in 12 – 14 days.