Health Tips

Take one pinch of Cumin seed (Jeera, Jeeraka, Jeerige)
One pinch of Ajamoda (Oma, Ajavain, Ayamodakam)
One pinch of dry Ginger (Shunti, Chukku) and One tea spoon full of Coriander seeds (Kothambari, Dhanyaka) – boil in one cup of water for ten minutes. This should be taken after filtering.
Repeat this for 2 to 3 times daily till complete recovery.
Avoid heavy meal, spicy foods, deep fried foods, avoid fast foods, smoking, and alcohol.
Try to take frequent small food, try to keep at least 2-3 hour’s gap between food and sleep.
There is no exact measurement for quantity and type of daily exercise required
These few tips may help you to decide the quantity and type, considering your body type
– An otherwise healthy require at least 12 minutes brisk walk per day to maintain health
– Diabetic and hypertensive’s need at least 20-60 minutes brisk walk per day to burn the extra calories and to warm up the system.
– An obese need 20-60 minutes brisk walk to burn the extra calories. For obese swimming is the best exercise where no jerky movement is needed.
– It is better not to start jogging and other complex exercises after the age of 40-45, but one who is used to it can continue
– Sedentary life style causes early ageing, for those who work continuously sitting advised to walk for few seconds or at least stand for few seconds on every 20th minute.
– Too much of exercise is also not always good if not supplied with enough fruits and vegetables. Exercise also produces free radicals which may cause many diseases. But this can be removed by consuming abundant antioxidants which are freely available in fruits and vegetables.
– Exercise should be avoided after heavy meal, because for proper digestion after heavy meal blood will rush in to intestinal vessels, but exercise will prevent this phenomenon resulting in improper digestion.
– In Ayurveda it is said that one must exercise till he sees sweat in forehead or till he feels exerted.
Recurrent cold with sneezing and nasal block is usually a condition related with allergy, usually runs in families. Some also suffer from itching eyes.
Some may have this along with Bronchial asthma.
Simple home remedy which helps to cure in many-
“Take 3 leaves of Vasa (Adusoge in Kannada, Adalodakam in Malayalam, Adhathoda vasika), Guduchi (Amritha balli in Kannada, Chittamrith in Malayalam, Tinospora cord ifolia) to the size of thumb, Turmeric quarter tea spoon, Jeeraka (cumin seed), quarter tea spoon, dry ginger quarter tea spoon. Boil all these together in 4 cups of water and reduce to one cup.
Take half cup each before breakfast and after dinner.
If found beneficial within 3 weeks, continue this for 3-6 months for complete recovery.
Diet- Avoid dairy products, fruits except Apple, Pineapple, Sweet orange, Spinach, Basale, Harive soppu, Okra, Cucumber-tender, deep fried and bakery products. Heavy exposure to dust, house dust etc.
Is one when consumed, body uses more calories to digest it than its real calorie value.
Ideal for obese, diabetics and healthy for others.
Many negative calorie foods contain abundant micronutrients and antioxidants; include such foods daily in your diet to meet the requirement.
Can also be used as safe filler for those who has more craving towards food.
Ex- Orange, Sweet orange, Apple, Strawberry, Papaya, Pineapple, raspberries, plums, watermelon and many vegetables including lettuce, almost all leafy vegetables, carrot, cucumber, radish, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, snake gourd, bottle gourd, ash gourd etc
Try this very simple measure which I learnt from one of my patient but it works.
Take only hot water. Never take cold water and cold drinks.
Boiled or not but whenever you take water it should be hot
Carry hot water in a flask to retain it hot. Try this and share your experience.
Major portion of India come under tropic region with high humidity, mainly in costal belt
Many suffer from fungal infection of groin and genitals during summer and rainy season.
In toilets after washing use soft dry cloth to make groin and genital regions dry
Use mild detergent soaps to wash inner wears.
These simple measures help a lot in preventing recurrence of fungal infection which is very common in tropic region.
Fungal infection is an opportunistic infection hence in case of recurrence your health care provider may check for Sugar, Hemoglobin etc to rule out such underlying cause.
“Breast milk if vitiated can cause different problems in babies. Explained in Ayurveda.
As per our experience can cause diarrhea not controlled by conventional treatment, gripping pain in abdomen, baby may become irritable, may not like to take breast milk, weight loss etc.
Test adopted in our village but accurate than any other test- spread the breast milk in the floor, allow the red ant to drink it, if vitiated the ant will die immediately otherwise will move forward!!
“We treat mother with our patent Ayurveda preparation Tablet ECLAMCIA for 14 days, child becomes normal within 3-4 days.
Many believe that recurrent mouth ulcer is due to deficiency of Vit B, Iron or folic acid which is true in very less number of patients.
Major cause of recurrent mouth ulcer is Auto immunity, an inflammatory disease
May also be seen in patients suffering from Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammatory colitis, interstitial cystitis etc, most of which are inflammatory diseases.
Usually mouth ulcers are triggered by lack of sleep, mental stress, spicy foods, certain drugs like aspirin, and if associated with other diseases as mentioned above along with flare of concerned disease.
Here instead of home remedy most of which relives only temporarily we suggest our well tried Patent research product “UKKINADKAS MUKHAPAKAHARA GHRITHA”. Should be taken one teaspoon twice daily for 3 months.
If the mouth ulcers are big up to 1cm diameter with more frequency we also suggest to use our another patent syrup “UKKINADKAS MUKHAPAKAHARA MIX’, 15ml twice daily for three months along with the Ghritha.
Almost all patients who used this combination had no recurrence for at least 5 years many had no recurrence at all.
Many patients visit us with dry cough with throat irritation with history of few months to few years’ sufferings without any relief.
If you have severe exertion induced asthma, swelling in legs/face, general debility, gross weight loss, increased heart rate, agonizing chest pain, severe asthma along with chronic dry cough then consult your health care provider for further investigations.
If diagnosed as just allergic or food reflux induced dry cough you can try the below mentioned home remedy.
Try this simple medicine- Take 15 g of Tamarind leaves, boil in 3 cups of water and reduce to 1 cup1 Take half cup before breakfast and the other half cup after dinner. Just continue this for 12 to 48 days and see the difference
Though we don’t recommend self medication, can try once and if not cured don’t forget to consult your family physician.
ALSO- Don’t forget to share your experience in this page later.
Take one seed of garlic, one pinch (or equal to the size of black gram) of Hing (Kayam in Malayala, Hingu in Kannada, Assa-foietida or Ferula assa-foetida) and grind in 1 teaspoon of boiled and cooled water, filter with a clean cloth.
3-5 drops, 4-6 times for infants up to six months of age.
6-8 drops, 4-6 times for children aged between 0.5—3 years of age.
10-12 drops 4-6 times for children between 3-12 years of age 2-3 ml, 4-6 times above the age of 12.
Vomiting usually stops after 1st or 2nd dose.
Hydration must be done in infants and children.
Hydration- To one cup of water add one pinch of salt, one tea spoon of sugar and mix well.
This should be given frequently spoon by spoon.
If vomiting does not stop even after 3rd or 4th dose then consult your family physician.
The most common life threatening adverse effect is COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
COPD is the 3rd most common cause of death
CO PD- 80% of the times caused due to smoking
Others- Lung cancer (90% in smokers), also causes cancer in different sites
Smoking damages blood vessels make it narrow where heart needs to pump more resulting in Hypertension
Damaged vessel in different organs when gets obstructed causes Heart attack, Stroke, Erectile dysfunction, Deficient blood supply to legs if block in artery of leg may cause pain in leg on walking, ulcer may not heal due to lack of blood supply etc.
Smoking affects each and every organ of the body
Take this from your kitchen.
Many people otherwise healthy like non diabetic, not exerted, not debilitated, not having any renal or hepatic disease in spite of enough intake of fluid with no reason feel thirsty.
According to Ayurveda people with PITTA Prakruthi (Pitta genetic trait) suffer from this kind of symptoms. In Ayurveda this condition is called as “AASYA SHOSHA”
Symptom becomes worst in summer, but many complain of this throughout the year.
Try this simple remedy – take 1-3 seeds of cardamom, crush it in your mouth, keep it for 10-20 seconds followed by half cup of Luke warm water.
Now feel the difference. Repeat this for 1-3 times daily till complete recovery.
Do not give cow’s milk to infants strictly up to 6th month of age.
In case if mother is working use breast pump to store breast milk
In case of inadequate breast milk Ayurveda has safe definite solution with herbal medicines
In olden days in such situation rich people were using DHATHRI (other breast feeding mother) who can feed the child along with her own child. No days even a King may not be able to afford for that!!
A child if given with cow’s milk may suffer from Iron deficiency anemia and also dehydration.
Cow’s milk can only be given after 6th month of age but should be increased gradually. Ideal age is after 9th 12th month.
Mother’s milk is best up to 18 months of age for good health of the child.
Chronic gastritis is a condition with constant or episodic development of upper abdominal pain, pain in upper abdomen on pressing, burning sensation in the abdomen, abdominal pain which may get aggravated immediately after taking food, may get aggravated with spicy, deep fried foods, smoking and alcohol. Endoscopy may reveal erosion in stomach mucosa.
Cause may be inflammatory/ use of certain drugs like aspirin! H pylon infection/ contaminated food! use of certain food, smoking or alcohol.
Home Remedy- Take one fist full of Bhumyamalaki (nelanelli in Kannada, Kilar nelli in Malayalam, Phyllanthus niruri) whole plant, wash with hot water thoroughly, after crushing boil with half cup of milk and 1.5 cup of water, reduce to half cup. After filtering add 1 pinch of powder of cumin seed (Jiraka). This should be taken preferably in the morning after food.
Continue this up to 48 days for complete recovery.
The cause for dandruff may be many starting from physiological causes like * dry skin * too much oily skin * or it may be because of Seborrhic dermatitis (allergy) * Psoriasis (Autoimmune disease), * Fungal infections * or because of poor hygiene, * or due to adverse effects of hair dyes and other cosmetics used.
By proper continuous care one can prevent dandruff in spite of the existing disease. Along with home remedy and properhydgeine’ it is’ better to take appropriate medicines for those suffering from Seborrhic dermatitis, Psoriasis, allergies and fungal infections.
Pour lemon juice to the scalp and give gentle massage so that it will reach throughout the surface of scalp. Keep this for 30-40 minutes and then take lukewarm water head bath. Repeat this at least for twice in a week.