Why Panckarma is recommended for Allergic rhinitis?
Allergic rhinitis is a disease related with allergic reactions in the body. Panchakarma proved to be most beneficial in any allergic disease. Intake of specific herbal formulations after performing Panchakarma treatments gives tremendous result. In this disease we mainly follow Vamana (Emesis) or Virechana (Purging) treatment and Nasya Karma in selected patients. These treatments help in eliminating the toxins, and factor responsible for the disease out of the body.

Are there any chances of recurrence of Allergic rhinitis after this treatment?
Following proper panchakarma and post panchakarma treatment eliminates this condition without any recurrence, post panchakarma treatment for long time we can prevent the recurrence for many years. However chances of recurrence are there depending upon the body type, type of illness, environmental exposures, food habits etc, but by once again following the panchakarma and post panchakarma treatments regulating the disease is possible.
In many cases very good result is seen with only herbal preparations without performing Panchakarma treatments.

Who can take the above treatment?
All patients suffering from Allergic rhinitis, Bronchial asthma can follow this treatment.

Whether this treatment can be taken along with modern anti allergic bronchodilators etc.? Yes this can be taken along with anti allergic or bronchodilator drugs. After due course of the treatment it is possible to stop the allopathic medicines completely.

What is the complete course of treatment for Panckakarma treatment as inpatient and post panchakarma treatment as outpatient?
12 – 14 days’ is very essential to perform Panchakarma treatment. After the Panchakarma it is advisable to continue with the specific herbal combinations for the period of 6 to 18 months depending up on the response. In Allergic rhinitis even without Panchakarma, long term treatment with Ayurveda herbal extracts gives good results in many.